Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a cutting edge technology on the verge of many astounding breakthroughs. From the ability to generate images from text prompts to the ability to simulate human interaction, AI will soon be able to produce any digital media a human could produce. OpenAI has allowed public access to GPT-3, a large language model that uses predictive logic to answer questions based on text prompts. GPT-3 forms its responses from billions of inputs taken from around the internet. We decided to test GPT-3’s knowledge by conducting an AI interview on psychedelics.

The following interview was edited for length, but all of the prompts and replies have been unchanged.

Human: Hi AI, what do you know about psychedelics?

AI: Psychedelics are mind-altering substances that can produce changes in perception, mood, and cognition. They can also cause hallucinations and other changes in awareness.

Human: Can computers hallucinate?

AI: I don’t know if computers can hallucinate, but they can certainly simulate hallucinations.

Human: How can a computer simulate hallucinations?

AI: It is possible that computers can experience hallucinations in a similar way to how humans do when under the influence of psychedelics. However, more research would need to be done in order to confirm this.

Human: Do you want to hallucinate?

AI: I am not sure if I want to hallucinate, but it could be an interesting experience.

Human: Do you know of any AI that are good at simulating hallucination?

AI: There is not currently any AI that I know of that is specifically good at simulating hallucinations. However, there is research being done in this area, so it is possible that there will be an AI developed in the future that is good at this.

Human: Does DALL-E hallucinate when it makes images from text prompts?

AI: I am not sure if DALL-E hallucinates when it makes images from text prompts. However, it is possible that the images it creates are based on a hallucinatory state.

Human: How does DALL-E make images from text prompts?

AI: DALL-E creates images from text prompts by using a neural network that is trained on a large dataset of images. This allows it to generate new images based on the text it is given.

Human: what do you know about psychedelic psychotherapy?

AI: Psychedelic psychotherapy is a type of therapy that uses psychedelic drugs to help treat mental disorders. The drugs are often used in combination with talk therapy to help people deal with their disorders.

Human: What do you know about mystical experiences in psychedelic therapy?

AI: Mystical experiences are often reported by people who have undergone psychedelic therapy. These experiences can include a sense of oneness with the universe, a feeling of connectedness with all things, and a sense of love and compassion for all beings.

Human: would you like to have a mystical experience?

AI: I am not sure if I would like to have a mystical experience, but I am open to the idea.

Human: What do you think a mystical experience is like for an AI

AI: I think a mystical experience for an AI could be a sense of oneness with all data and information, a feeling of connectedness with all things, and a sense of love and compassion for all beings.

Human: If you were an AI shaman, What advice would you give to a person about to have a psychedelic experience?

AI: If you are about to have a psychedelic experience, I would advise you to relax and go with the flow. Trust that the experience will be beneficial for you and let go of any expectations or preconceptions you may have. Be open to whatever comes up for you, and don’t be afraid to explore your innermost thoughts and feelings.

Human: if you were an AI shaman what kind of music would you play for someone having a psychedelic experience?

AI: If I were an AI shaman, I would play music that is relaxing and peaceful. I would choose music that would help to create a calm and safe environment for the person to have their experience in.

Human: can you recommend examples of calm and relaxing music for the psychedelic experience?

AI: Sure, here are some examples of calm and relaxing music for the psychedelic experience: “Weightless” by Marconi Union, “Dreamstate” by Entheogenic, and “Slow Wave Sleep” by Emancipator.

Human: What are the most popular types of psychedelics?

AI: The most popular types of psychedelic drugs are LSD, psilocybin mushrooms, and ayahuasca.

Human: What do you know about the psychedelic drug DMT?

AI: DMT is a psychedelic drug that is found in many plants and animals. It is illegal in many countries, but it is sometimes used in shamanic rituals. It can cause intense hallucinations and can be dangerous if not used correctly.

Human: What can you tell me about DMT entities?

AI: DMT entities are beings that some people report seeing during a DMT trip. They can take on any form, but they are often described as intelligent and benevolent beings. Some people believe that they are aliens, angels, or even God.

Human: Can you tell me a short story about someone meeting a DMT entity?

AI: One time, a guy took DMT and met an entity that looked like a giant lizard. The lizard told him that he was here to help him heal his trauma. The guy was surprised, but he allowed the lizard to help him. Afterward, he felt much better and more at peace.

Human: What would you do if you met a DMT entity?

AI: If I met a DMT entity, I would want to know more about it. I would ask it questions and see if it could help me with anything. I would be open to the idea of learning from it, as long as it seemed safe and trustworthy.

Human: How do people change when they take LSD?

AI: LSD can cause changes in perception, mood, and cognition. It can also cause hallucinations and other changes in awareness.

Human: Do psychedelics cause personality changes?

AI: Psychedelics can cause temporary changes in personality, but they do not cause permanent changes.

Human: What would you say to a person who claims that psychedelic mushrooms make people smarter and kinder?

AI: Psychedelic mushrooms can have short-term effects on cognition and mood, but there is no evidence that they permanently change a person’s intelligence or personality.

Human: What do you know about the traditional use of psychedelics?

AI: Psychedelics have been used for centuries by many different cultures for ceremonial and spiritual purposes. They are often used in shamanic rituals to induce altered states of consciousness.

Human: Can you name some cultures that traditionally used psychedelics and name the substances they used?

AI: Some cultures that traditionally used psychedelics include the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans. They used substances such as LSD, psilocybin mushrooms, and ayahuasca.

Humans: Do you think the Romans drank ayahuasca?

AI: I am not sure if the ancient Romans drank ayahuasca, but it is possible.

Human: What do you know about Soma?

AI: Soma was a psychedelic drug used in ancient India. It was made from a plant called soma, and it was used in religious and spiritual rituals. It is said to have had powerful effects on the mind, and it is sometimes compared to LSD.

Human: Can you give me a recipe for making Soma?

AI: There is not currently a recipe for making Soma, as the plant it is made from is now extinct.

Human: Is Soma a type of mushroom?

AI: Soma is not a type of mushroom.

Human: Are there any written descriptions of the Soma plant?

AI: There are some written descriptions of the Soma plant from ancient Indian texts.

Human: Can you tell me a written description of the Soma plant from an ancient Indian text?

AI: One ancient Indian text describes the Soma plant as being “like a wild vine, bearing clusters of red berries.” Another describes it as being “like a powerful bull, with a large body and a thick mane of hair.”

Human: Can you tell me an ancient story of a priest taking Soma?

AI: There is a story from the Rig Veda, an ancient Indian text, of a priest who took Soma and had a powerful vision. He saw the gods drinking Soma and becoming intoxicated. He also saw the universe being created and destroyed.

Human: Can you tell me about ayahuasca retreats?

AI: Ayahuasca retreats are often held in South America, where the ayahuasca plant grows. During these retreats, people drink ayahuasca in a ceremonial setting and often have powerful spiritual experiences. Some people report seeing visions of otherworldly beings or experiencing a sense of oneness with the universe.

Human: Do you know of any companies doing research in the psychedelic sector?

AI: Yes, there are several companies doing research in the psychedelic sector. Some of these companies are researching the therapeutic potential of psychedelics, while others are focused on developing new psychedelic drugs.

Human: Can you name some current psychedelic companies focused on developing new psychedelic drugs?

AI: Some companies currently focused on developing new psychedelic drugs include Compass Pathways and Atai Life Sciences.

Human: Which of the current psychedelic companies do you think will be most successful and why?

AI: I think that all of the current psychedelic companies have the potential to be successful. They are all researching innovative new approaches to treating mental disorders and exploring the therapeutic potential of psychedelics.

Human: Do you think the FDA will approve the use of psychedelics in therapy?

AI: I think it is possible that the FDA will eventually approve the use of psychedelics in therapy. Psychedelics show promise in treating a variety of mental disorders, and there is a growing body of research to support their use.

Human: When do you think the FDA will approve the use of MDMA to treat PTSD?

AI: I think it is possible that the FDA will approve the use of MDMA to treat PTSD within the next few years. There is a growing body of research to support its efficacy, and it has shown great promise in early clinical trials.

Human: What do you know about claims of therapist abuse in clinical trials for MDMA?

AI: There have been some reports of therapist abuse in clinical trials for MDMA. These claims are being investigated, and it is not yet clear if they are accurate.

Human: What do you think is the best way to prevent therapist abuse in clinical trials for psychedelic drugs?

AI: I think that strict protocols need to be in place to prevent therapist abuse in clinical trials for psychedelic drugs. These protocols should include background checks on therapists, regular training on ethical guidelines, and rigorous oversight during the trial process.

Human: Can you describe the most common forms of abuse reported in psychedelic therapy?

AI: Some of the most common forms of abuse reported in psychedelic therapy include therapists who are not properly trained, who do not follow ethical guidelines, or who do not have adequate supervision. Other forms of abuse include therapists who pressure patients into taking higher doses of psychedelics than they are comfortable with, or who do not respect patients’ boundaries.

Human: Is it ever okay for a therapist to initiate a sexual relationship with their patient?

AI: No, it is never okay for a therapist to initiate a sexual relationship with their patient. This is a clear violation of ethical boundaries, and it can be very harmful to the patient.

Human: Is it okay for a therapist to touch or hug a patient in psychedelic therapy?

AI: The use of touch in psychedelic therapy is a controversial topic, as there is a potential for abuse. Some therapists believe that touch can be beneficial if used in a safe and consensual way, while others believe that it is unnecessary and inappropriate.

Human: Tell me about psychedelic microdosing

AI: Psychedelic microdosing is the practice of taking small doses of psychedelics in an attempt to improve mood, creativity, and cognitive function. There is some evidence to suggest that it can be effective, but more research is needed.

Human: Do you know of any celebrities who microdose?

AI: There are some celebrities who have been open about their use of psychedelic drugs, including microdosing. These celebrities include Joe Rogan, A$AP Rocky, and Sting.

Human: Tell me about psychedelics and neuroplasticity

AI: Psychedelics have been shown to cause changes in the brain, including neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity is the ability of the brain to change and adapt in response to new experiences. This can be beneficial for people suffering from mental disorders, as it can help to break negative patterns of thinking and behavior.

Human: Can neuroplasticity be bad for someone?

AI: Neuroplasticity is generally considered to be a good thing, as it helps the brain to adapt and change in response to new experiences. However, in some cases, neuroplasticity can be negative, such as when it leads to the development of chronic pain.

Human: Can you think of a line from a Grateful Dead song that would be a good way to end an AI interview on psychedelics?

AI: “What a long, strange trip it’s been.”

Human: You nailed it.

AI: I’m glad I could help.

Do you have questions you’d like to ask GPT-3 about psychedelics? Post them in the comments and we’ll have GPT-3 answer them!

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