Virginia Could Decriminalize Psilocybin And Other Psychedelics With Newly Filed Bills

A top federal drug official says the “train has left the station” on psychedelics.

National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) Director Nora Volkow said people are going to keep using substances such as psilocybin—especially as the reform movement expands and there’s increased attention being drawn to the potential therapeutic benefits—and so researchers and regulators will need to keep up.

The comments came at a psychedelics workshop Volkow’s agency cohosted with the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) last week.

The NIDA official said that, to an extent, it’s been overwhelming to address new drug trends in the psychedelics space. But at the same time, she sees “an incredible opportunity to also modify the way that we are doing things.”

“What is it that the [National Institutes of Health] can do to help accelerate research in this field so that we can truly understand what are the potentials, and ultimately the application, of interventions that are bought based on psychedelic drugs?” Volkow said.

The director separately told Marijuana Moment on Friday in an emailed statement that part of the challenge for the agency and researchers is the fact that psychedelics are strictly prohibited as Schedule I drugs under the federal Controlled Substances Act.

“Researchers must obtain a Schedule I registration which, unlike obtaining registrations for Schedule II substances (which include fentanyl, methamphetamine, and cocaine), is administratively challenging and time consuming,” she said. “This process may deter some scientists from conducting research on Schedule I drugs.”

“In response to concerns from researchers, NIDA is involved in interagency discussions to facilitate research on Schedule I substances,” Volkow said, adding that the agency is “pleased” the Drug Enforcement Administration recently announced plans to significantly increase the quota of certain psychedelic drugs to be produced for use in research.

“It will also be important to streamline the process of obtaining Schedule I registrations to further the science on these substances, including examining their therapeutic potential,” she said.

At Thursday’s event, the official talked about how recent, federally funded surveys showed that fewer college-aged adults are drinking alcohol and are instead opting for psychedelics and marijuana. She discussed the findings in an earlier interview with Marijuana Moment as well.

“Let’s learn from history,” she said. “Let’s see what we have learned from the marijuana experience.”

While studies have found that marijuana use among young people has generally remained stable or decreased amid the legalization movement, there has been an increase in cannabis consumption among adults, she said. And “this is likely to happen [with psychedelics] as more and more attention is placed on these psychedelic drugs.”

“I think, to a certain extent, with all the attention that the psychedelic drugs have attracted, the train has left the station and that people are going to start to use it,” Volkow said. “People are going to start to use it whether [the Food and Drug Administration] approves or not.

There are numerous states and localities where psychedelics reform is being explored and pursued both legislatively and through ballot initiative processes.

On Wednesday—during the first part of the two-day federal event that saw nearly 4,000 registrants across 21 time zones—NIMH Director Joshua Gordon stressed that his agency has “been supporting research on psychedelics for some time.”

“We can think of NIMH’s interests in studying psychedelics both in terms of proving that they work and also in terms of demonstrating the mechanism by which they work,” he said. “NIMH has a range of different funding opportunity announcements and other expressions that are priorities aimed at a mechanistic focus and mechanistic approach to drug development.”

Meanwhile, Volkow also made connections between psychedelics and the federal response to the coronavirus pandemic. She said, for example, that survey data showing increased use of psychedelics “may be a way that people are using to try to escape” the situation.

But she also drew a metaphor, saying that just as how the pandemic “forced” federal health officials to accelerate the development and approval of COVID-19 vaccines because of the “urgency of the situation,” one could argue that “actually there is an urgency to bring treatments [such as emerging psychedelic medicines] for people that are suffering from severe mental illness which can be devastating.”

But as Volkow has pointed out, the Schedule I classification of these substances under federal law inhibits such research and development.

The official has also repeatedly highlighted and criticized the racial disparities in drug criminalization enforcement overall.

Delaware Lawmakers File New Marijuana Legalization Bill With Key Equity Revisions

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Lots of states could legalize cannabis & psychedelics in 2022 (Newsletter: January 14, 2022)

MS Senate passes medical marijuana; DE legal cannabis bill filed; New OH legalization signatures; MO GOP psychedelics bill

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The Mississippi Senate voted to legalize medical cannabis despite Gov. Tate Reeves’s (R) veto threat over patient possession limits he thinks are too high. The measure now heads to the House.

Marijuana Moment’s latest analysis looks at the large number of states that are poised to legalize cannabis—and potentially psychedelics—in 2022. Between ballot initiatives and bills in legislatures, advocates see a lot of targets for advancement this year.

Ohio activists say they are “confident” they’ve collected enough signatures to force lawmakers to consider a marijuana legalization measure.  An earlier submission was deemed insufficient but they’ve now turned in nearly 30,000 more signatures.

Delaware lawmakers introduced a newly revised marijuana legalization bill that includes key changes to equity provisions meant to help ensure it gets the supermajority level of support needed to pass.

A Missouri Republican representative filed a bill to allow patients with debilitating, life-threatening or terminal illnesses to use psychedelics like MDMA, DMT, ibogaine, LSD, mescaline, peyote and psilocybin under the state’s right-to-try law.


The U.S. Sentencing Commission published a report on recidivism by people released from prison after serving time for drug trafficking convictions.

Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA) tweeted, “The criminalization of cannabis has resulted in discrimination and injustice. Moreover, it has destroyed countless Black and Brown lives. It’s long past time for the federal government to catch up and move our country forward by leading on cannabis reform.”

Rep. Dean Phillips (D-MN) tweeted about a study showing cannabinoids can protect cells from COVID, saying, “As if we needed another reason to legalize it.”

Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) spoke about growing Republican support for marijuana reform.

Rep. Jay Obernolte (R-CA) tweeted, “January is Human Trafficking Prevention Month. With cases of human trafficking linked to illegal marijuana cultivation sites rising in our community, it is critical we put an end to this modern-day slavery.”

Wisconsin Democratic Senate candidate Gillian Battino tweeted. “When I am in the Senate, I will fight to legalize recreational marijuana. We can invest tax revenues in communities torn apart by the war on drugs, farmers can diversify with sustainable practices, and patients will have the access they require.”

Texas Democratic congressional candidate Arthur DIxon tweeted, “Rich white business owners profit $100+ Billions Dollars from the cannabis industry every year while here in Texas thousands of black and brown kids get thrown into prison for possessing a few grams… We have to do better! It’s time to legalize marijuana! 🪴”

Kentucky Democratic congressional candidate William Compton tweeted, “One thing I would want to do in congress is make sure Marijuana is legalized nationwide. A majority of people support it! It’s a no brainer.”


Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam touted his signing a marijuana legalization bill in his final State of the Commonwealth speech,

Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers (D) pardoned more people for marijuana and drug convictions.

California’s attorney general continued to criticize local officials’ slowness to clear marijuana convictions as required by a law he authored.

South Carolina’s Senate majority leader said it’s “time to have the debate” on a long-pending medical cannabis bill, and the House minority leader said it should have been done a long time ago.

The chairman of the Louisiana legislature’s Medical Marijuana Commission said it’s time to expand the medical cannabis program “in every direction.”

Florida Democratic lawmakers held a press conference to promote marijuana legalization bills.

Kansas House Democrats tweeted, “Kansas is 1 of 4 states where marijuana remains fully illegal. It’s 2021. This is unacceptable.”

A Missouri Republican representative discussed plans to file a marijuana legalization bill.

Maine regulators proposed medical cannabis rules changes.

New York regulators proposed emergency hemp rules.

Nevada regulators are conducting a survey to collect demographic data on the cannabis industry.

Illinois officials are hiring reviewers for grant applications for the marijuana revenue-funded  Restore, Reinvest, and Renew grant program.

Pennsylvania regulators tweeted about eggs from hemp-fed chickens, saying, “Eating hemp eggs will not get you high, but you will be filled with a healthier egg.”

Marijuana Moment is already tracking more than 900 cannabis, psychedelics and drug policy bills in state legislatures and Congress this year. Patreon supporters pledging at least $25/month get access to our interactive maps, charts and hearing calendar so they don’t miss any developments.
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Denver, Colorado officials sent guidance on marijuana hospitality and unlicensed consumption businesses.


Costa Rican lawmakers sent President Carlos Alvarado a medical cannabis and hemp bill.

Grenada Prime Minister Dr Keith Mitchell said his government will introduce a medical cannabis bill ahead of the next election.

The French Assembly debated a marijuana legalization bill.

UK members of Parliament sent a letter asking London’s mayor to rescind a plan to reduce marijuana arrests.


A study concluded that “consumers are interested in and are using [medical cannabis products] for dermatologic indications, most commonly for inflammatory skin disorders.”

A study demonstrated that “treatment with three infusions of ketamine was well tolerated in patients with alcohol use disorder and was associated with more days of abstinence from alcohol at 6-month follow-up.”


The Michael J. Fox Foundation’s senior vice president for public policy joined the board of the Council for Federal Cannabis Regulation.

Supernova Women organized a rally at the California Capitol calling for tax and regulatory relief for marijuana businesses.


Eaze opened its first dispensary storefronts.

Vangst completed a $19 million Series B funding round.

Charlotte’s Web Holdings, Inc. completed an organizational restructuring.

Canopy Growth USA is being sued over claims that its website violates the Americans with Disabilities Act by being inaccessible to visually impaired and blind customers.

Leafly has a new senior vice president of engineering.


Jimmy Kimmel and Stephen Colbert joked about a study showing cannabinoids can protect cells from COVID,

The Onion joked about rising COVID vaccine appointments in Quebec, Canada after officials made the shots mandatory to access marijuana and liquor stores.

Make sure to subscribe to get Marijuana Moment’s daily dispatch in your inbox.

Photo courtesy of Chris Wallis/Side Pocket Images.

Marijuana Moment is made possible with support from readers. If you rely on our cannabis advocacy journalism to stay informed, please consider a monthly Patreon pledge.


These States Could Legalize Marijuana Or Psychedelics In 2022

Advocates scored a significant number of marijuana reform victories in state legislatures in 2021, but they’re hopeful they can get even more accomplished in the new year.

In states across the country, activists are already in the process of qualifying cannabis legalization and other drug policy reform measures for November 2022 ballots as lawmakers separately work to advance reform bills.

“I am optimistic 2022 will break the record for the most cannabis legalization laws enacted in a single year—a record that was set just last year,” Karen O’Keefe, director of state policies for the Marijuana Policy Project, told Marijuana Moment. “Several states also appear poised to enact compassionate medical cannabis laws.”

And the reform movement is poised to make gains beyond just cannabis this year, with several proposals to legalize or decriminalize psychedelics and other drugs also gaining momentum.

Here’s a rundown of which states are most likely to enact broad cannabis or psychedelics reform in 2022: 


There are three campaigns working to give voters a say in whether Arkansas should legalize marijuana in 2022.

The most recent one to throw their hat in the ring was Arkansans for Marijuana Reform, which filed their reform initiative with the state in November.

Also last year, a former Arkansas lawmaker announced a campaign that also intends to put cannabis legalization on the state’s 2022 ballot. Eddie Armstrong, a Democrat who previously served as minority leader in the state House of Representatives before leaving office in 2019, is chairing the newly formed advocacy group Responsible Growth Arkansas.

A separate group of activists with Arkansas True Grass is already in the signature gathering process for a 2022 ballot initiative that would create a system of regulated sales for adults 21 and older, allowing them to purchase up to four ounces of cannabis and grow up to 12 plants for personal use.

Both True Grass and Arkansans for Marijuana Reform attempted to place marijuana legalization initiatives on the 2020 ballot, but both campaigns were derailed by the coronavirus pandemic and failed to collect enough signatures by the deadline.


There are two potential routes to legalizing psychedelics possession in California: a legislative approach being spearheaded by Sen. Scott Wiener (D) and a ballot campaign to place the issue of psilocybin legalization before voters in November.

The senator put a pause on that proposal last year after it cleared the Senate and started to advance through the Assembly, and he’s used the extra time to build up support for the reform and ensure that it’s something that could pass the full legislature.

Wiener recently told Marijuana Moment that he feels there’s a “50/50” chance that his psychedelics reform bill will advance this session.

Meanwhile, California activists are separately pursuing psychedelics reform at the ballot, with Decriminalize California collecting signatures for a 2022 initiative to legalize psilocybin mushrooms in the state.


Colorado voters could have the chance next year to vote on legalizing possession and personal cultivation of psychedelics, and creating a system of licensed businesses to produce psilocybin, DMT, ibogaine and mescaline for supervised use at “healing centers.”

A national advocacy group recently filed two separate psychedelics reform initiatives for Colorado’s 2022 ballot, both of which are titled the Natural Medicine Healing Act.

The first would legalize the possession, cultivation and an array of entheogenic substances, as well as establish a regulatory model for psychedelics therapy. The other is a similar, but somewhat more dialed-back proposal that would initially legalize psilocybin and psilocin alone for personal adult use while also allowing for their sale and administration in a therapeutic setting.

This filing comes more than two years after Denver became the first city in the U.S. to decriminalize psilocybin mushrooms. Various activists, including those involved in the 2019 campaign, have signaled interest in building upon the reform.


A legislative effort to legalize marijuana for adult use in Delaware died for the 2021 session following disagreements among lawmakers over social equity funding. But that effort could be revived in the new year, with national advocates listing the state as a top target to enact legalization next.

Rep. Edward Osienski (D) said he’s spent the past few months revising his proposal to build more support and secure a vote, and he recently filed a new version of the bill.

Gov. John Carney (D) is another obstacle, however, calling legalization a “bad idea” last year as the reform push was underway. He’s also declined to say what he would do if legislators put a marijuana commerce bill on his desk.


A Hawaii bill to legalize recreational marijuana that cleared the Senate last year is still alive for the 2022 session, and it’s possible that the legislature will move to take it up again.

House Judiciary and Hawaiian Affairs Committee Chairman Mark Nakashima (D) is largely responsible for the bill not being enacted last year, as he said he thinks the state should focus on improving its existing medical cannabis system before advancing adult-use legalization and declined to take action on the Senate-approved proposal. Gov. David Ige (D), who has also opposed certain cannabis reforms in the past, is another potential obstacle to passage.

But, because legalization has already cleared one full chamber of the legislature, the state is one to watch in 2022.


In Idaho, activists with one campaign are moving forward with plans to put medical cannabis legalization on the state’s 2022 ballot, while another set of advocates have decided to suspend a campaign to legalize possession due to complications resulting from the coronavirus pandemic.

While the Personal Adult Marijuana Decriminalization Act (PAMDA) was cleared by Idaho officials for signature gathering in July, campaign spokesperson Russ Belville of Legalize the Idaho Way, Inc. told Marijuana Moment that “navigating a ballot initiative through a second wave of COVID has been trying, especially [for] a new type of marijuana initiative that simply depenalizes import of legal out-of-state purchases.”

“Therefore, in the interest of public safety, we’ve decided to suspend our active ballot initiative campaign for PAMDA,” he said. “However, we are continuing the concept of PAMDA in negotiations with Idaho legislators and political leaders with the goal of a bill for the next legislative session. Should our legislative efforts run aground and this pandemic eventually subside, we’ll resume a PAMDA ballot initiative campaign for 2024.”

A separate campaign, Kind Idaho, remains in the process of collecting signatures for a medical marijuana legalization initiative. A representative recently told Marijuana Moment that they have gathered about 10 percent of the required signatures to make the ballot and face an April 29 deadline to collect about 54,000 more signatures.

If things don’t work out for the campaign in 2022, activists will be looking ahead to future election cycles if the November election “doesn’t present us with the legislators necessary to move it forward through the legislative process,” Kind Idaho’s Joe Evans said.

“Mind you, we aren’t giving up the ghost on getting the initiative on the ballot this year,” he said. “It can still be done with the right combination of funding and volunteer support.”


A medical cannabis bill that passed the House last year is still alive and poised for action in the Senate in 2022.

Kansas Democratic leaders want to go further, however, and recently announced new proposals to let voters decide on legalizing medical and adult-use marijuana in the state.

“It’s time to give voters their opportunity to have their say and let the legislature know how they feel,” House Minority Leader Tom Sawyer (D) said this month. If approved in the legislature and then by voters in November, the laws would take effect in July 2023.

Gov. Laura Kelly (D), for her part, supports medical cannabis. She previously pushed a separate proposal that would legalize medical cannabis and use the resulting revenue to support Medicaid expansion.


A Republican-led bill to legalize medical marijuana in Kentucky landed in the state legislature this month. The measure is an update to lead sponsor Rep. Jason Nemes’s (R) past legalization efforts and includes a number of conservative-minded adjustments aimed at wining broad support among lawmakers, including leaders of his own party who control the legislative agenda.

Nemes filed a medical legalization bill in 2020 that soundly passed the House but later died in the Senate without a vote amid the early part of the coronavirus pandemic. He reintroduced the legislation for the 2021 session, but it did not advance. In recent months, Nemes has working to build support for a new, scaled-back version of the bill for 2022 and in October said he was confident it could pass if only legislative leaders have the “courage” to allow a vote on it.

Gov. Andy Beshear (D) supports medical cannabis, and Democratic leaders in the legislature said the issue would be a top priority for this year.


Late last month, a top Maryland lawmaker pre-filed a bill to put marijuana legalization on the state’s 2022 ballot.

The legislation, which seeks to put a constitutional amendment on the ballot, has been designated House Bill 1, signaling that it will be prioritized.

House Speaker Adrienne Jones (D) has been working to get the legislature in a good position to advance the reform quickly, announcing the formation of a cannabis workgroup last summer and stating that lawmakers “will pass legislation early” in 2022 to refer the question of legalization to voters.

Senate President Bill Ferguson (D), meanwhile, said in July that the reform is “beyond past due” in the state— but he seemed reluctant to embrace a referendum process and instead wants to pass a bill to end cannabis prohibition sooner than next November.


There are efforts underway in Michigan to get statewide psychedelics and marijuana reform enacted this year, both legislatively and through the ballot.

Several Michigan cities have passed resolutions to decriminalize a wide range of psychedelics in the past couple years—most recently in Grand Rapids and Detroit. Building on those reforms, a pair of state senators introduced a bill in September to legalize the possession, cultivation and delivery of various plant- and fungi-derived psychedelics like psilocybin and mescaline.

The legislation, sponsored by Sen. Jeff Irwin (D), would amend state statute to exempt people from criminal penalties for such activities so long as they are not “receiving money or other valuable consideration for the entheogenic plant or fungus.”

As such, commercial production and sales would not be legalized under the measure. The legislation does clarify, however, that people can charge a “reasonable fee for counseling, spiritual guidance, or a related service that is provided in conjunction with the use of an entheogenic plant or fungus under the guidance and supervision of an individual providing the service.”

But the most likely route to broad reform might be through the ballot, with activists are planning to introduce a separate statewide psychedelics reform initiative that they hope to place before voters this November.


The year 2021 saw a bill to legalize marijuana in Minnesota move through a dozen House committees and then get approval by the full chamber, but it subsequently stalled in the GOP-controlled Senate. Lawmakers are ready to take up the reform fight again in 2022.

While the House-passed measure is still alive for 2022 in the two-year session, it’s unclear if new Senate leadership will be more amenable to advancing a policy change than prior leaders were.

Gov. Tim Walz (D), who signed legislation in May to allow patients to access smokable cannabis products, previously called on lawmakers to pursue adult-use legalization as a means to boost the economy and promote racial justice. In 2019 he directed state agencies to prepare to implement reform in anticipation of legalization eventually passing.


Mississippi lawmakers are moving ahead with a proposal to legalize medical cannabis in the state, though they’ve faced some resistance about certain provisions by Gov. Tate Reeves (R).

The main objection from the governor concerns the daily purchase limits for patients, which he says are too high. He’s signaled that he would veto the bill if the purchase limit isn’t reduced, but a key state senator suggested last month that they would have the votes to override that action if it’s taken.

But Sen. Brice Wiggins (R), chairman of the Judiciary Committee Division A who is also running for a seat in Congress, says the people of Mississippi spoke loud and clear when they voted to approve a medical cannabis legalization initiative last year, and lawmakers have a duty to deliver on the reform after the state Supreme Court invalidated it for procedural reasons.

Lawmakers have already made several concessions to the governor as they’ve continued negotiations on legislation to replace the voter-approved ballot measure, and advocates hoped everything would be resolved in time for Reeves to convene a special session to pass it this year, as he suggested he’d do. But as the goal post continued to be pushed back, it became clear that legislators would need to tackle the reform in the 2022 session.

House and Senate leaders announced in September that they had come to an agreement on the reform, yet the governor came back with several objections, forcing legislators to go back and make some compromises. Even after they did that, Reeves held firm on what leadership says are “unreasonable demands.”

The Senate has already approved the new bill, just days into the new session, and now it heads to the House.


There are currently two separate campaigns working to get legalization initiatives on the Missouri’s 2022 ballot, in addition to legislative proposals to enact the reform.

Legal Missouri 2022 kicked off its campaign last month, with plans to deploy hundreds of signature gatherers at major cities throughout the state.

“We are pushing full steam ahead with both paid and volunteer signature collection efforts and look forward to Missourians voting on adult use legalization this fall,” campaign manager John Payne told Marijuana Moment. He added they’ve hired a signature gathering firm that they worked

Payne previously worked with the group New Approach Missouri to successfully get a medical cannabis initiative passed by voters in 2018.

A separate campaign, Fair Access Missouri, is separately exploring multiple citizen initiatives with the hopes of getting at least one on the ballot this year. Three of the four would create a system of legalized cannabis sales for adults 21 and older, while another would simply amend the state’s existing medical marijuana program.

Meanwhile, Rep. Shamed Dogan (R) recently filed a joint resolution to place a constitutional amendment on marijuana legalization on the 2022 ballot. He introduced a similar proposal last year, but it did not advance.

There are some advocates who want to see the legislature take the lead on establishing a regulated marijuana market, but others remain skeptical that will actually happen in the state’s GOP-controlled House and Senate.


Nebraska activists are fed up with the GOP-controlled legislature blocking efforts to enact marijuana reform, and so they’re making another push to put medical cannabis legalization on the 2022 ballot.

Advocates unveiled the language of a pair of initiatives that, together, would protect qualified patients from legal consequences for cannabis and regulate businesses that produce, distribute and sell marijuana products to those patients.

Each of the ballot measures will need 87,000 signatures of support from registered voters by July to qualify for the 2022 ballot.

“We are confident we will get the signatures to qualify for the ballot because we have successfully done this before, during a pandemic,” Sen. Anna Wishart (D) told Marijuana Moment, referring to a 2020 campaign when Nebraskans for Medical Marijuana qualified its prior cannabis measure for the ballot—only to be thwarted by the state Supreme Court.

“We collected close to 200,000 signatures in 2020, well over the necessary 122,000, only to be kicked off the ballot by the Supreme Court in a 5-2 decision,” she said. “We learned from the Supreme Court challenge and brought language this time that we believe will withstand any opposition.”

Wishart said that polling conducted two years ago showed that more than 70 percent of voters across political lines back the policy change.

“I know how strongly this is supported because I drove across the state to collect signatures in 2020 to some of the most rural areas of the country and I was met with support,” the senator said. “I collected signatures of cowboys and cowgirls, for example, at a cattle sale.”

“What this will mean for the state is that Nebraskans will be treated like patients and no longer like criminals,” she said. “This is an issue about medical freedom and human dignity and it is long overdue that we join the rest of the country in legalizing medical cannabis.”

New Hampshire

New Hampshire’s House of Representatives kicked off the 2022 session by approving a bill to legalize the possession and cultivation of marijuana by adults 21 and older. It now heads to the Senate, where cannabis reforms have had a tougher time advancing in the past.

But there are other pending proposals from lawmakers to enact broad legalization, including three to place constitutional amendments on the ballot for voters to decide on the reform in November.

It would take a supermajority 60 percent vote in both chambers to advance any of the proposed constitutional amendments. But while that may be a tall task in the GOP-controlled legislature, if they’re successful, it would enable lawmakers to avoid a likely veto on statutory reform legislation from anti-legalization Gov. Chris Sununu (R).

Should legislators approve placing a constitutional amendment to legalize cannabis on the ballot, 67 percent of voters would then have to vote in favor for it to be enacted. Recent polling indicates that residents are ready for the reform, with three in four New Hampshirites favoring legalization.

North Carolina

A proposal to legalize medical cannabis in North Carolina advanced through three Senate committees last year, and advocates are optimistic that the reform could be taken up again in the new year.

Under the proposal, patients would be allowed to access cannabis if they have a “debilitating medical condition” such as cancer, epilepsy, HIV/AIDS, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Patients could possess up to one and a half ounces of marijuana, but home cultivation would not be permitted.

North Carolina’s House majority whip said last month that he’s in favor of the reform but has not done a vote count to see how much support it has in his chamber.

A majority of North Carolina adults support legalizing marijuana for recreational use—and three in four say it should be legal for medical purposes—according to a poll released last year.

North Dakota

Marijuana legalization could come to North Dakota either through an act of the legislature or the ballot this year.

The state House approved a reform bill to put legalization on the ballot in 2022 last year, but the full Senate rejected it.

Meanwhile, advocates with two separate campaigns are pushing for separate legalization referendums.

David Owen, chairman of Legalize ND, told Marijuana Moment that the group is “still working with stakeholders and partners to determine the best pathway forward but are confident that news will come soon.”

“We are determined to legalize recreational marijuana in North Dakota but are still exploring options for what the best path is especially given the SD Supreme Court decision,” he said, referring to a state Supreme Court ruling late last year in neighboring South Dakota that determined a voter-approved marijuana legalization initiative was invalid on procedural grounds.

Another group called the North Dakota Cannabis Caucus has separately working to put marijuana reform on the ballot.

There’s a chance the group could get enough signatures under the state’s timeline to put the reform on the June primary ballot, but Dustin Peyer, the chief petitioner, told Marijuana Moment it’s “not likely.” Instead, the probable plan is to turn in signatures by July to get on the November ballot.

Peyer said the group is “currently looking to build a new petition that will take less signatures and change the medical program directly.”

“Ultimately the constitutional right to grow cannabis on private property is our goal and this petition will continue forward,” he said. “We have a growing base of local business support that we are very grateful for. However, the current monopolized market created by a super majority of prohibitionist Republican and Democratic lawmakers alike is leading to many issues in the program.”


Activists and lawmakers in Ohio are hoping to get reform enacted in 2022.

Last month, Ohio advocates submitted to the state what they said were enough signatures for an initiative to force lawmakers to take up the issue of legalization. But the secretary of state’s office said this month that there weren’t enough valid signatures, so the campaign collected more and turned in the new submissions this week.

The measure that legislators would be required to consider would legalize possession of up to 2.5 ounces of cannabis for adults 21 and older, and they could also have up to 15 grams of marijuana concentrates. Individuals could grow up to six plants for personal use, with a maximum 12 plants per household.

Separately, a legalization bill that was the first of its kind to be introduced in the Ohio legislature last year would legalize the possession, sale and cultivation of cannabis by adults. It’s being championed by Reps. Casey Weinstein (D) and Terrence Upchurch (D).

A pair of Ohio Republican lawmakers similarly filed a bill to legalize marijuana in the state in December. Reps. Jamie Callender (R) and Ron Ferguson (R) first announced their plan to push the legislative reform proposal in October and circulated a co-sponsorship memo to build support for the measure.

There are also additional local reform efforts underway in Ohio for 2022.

After voters in seven cities approved ballot measures to decriminalize marijuana possession during last November’s election—which builds on a slew of previous local reforms in the state—campaigns are now looking to enact decriminalization in Marietta, Rushville, Rutland, Shawnee, McArthur and Laurelville.

Ohio marijuana activists already successfully proved that they turned in enough valid signatures to put a local decriminalization initiative before Kent voters after having missed the 2021 ballot due to a verification error on the part of county officials.

“It is the local [decriminalization initiatives] that have pushed the state to act,” Don Keeney of NORML Appalachia of Ohio told Marijuana Moment. “We are looking forward to adding as many local municipalities as time permits. We are gearing up for another good run at it. Solid change starts at the local grassroots level.”


There are currently two campaigns working to put marijuana legalization on the state’s 2022 ballot, as well as a separate initiative to rework Oklahoma’s existing medical cannabis program.

The latest campaign is being supported by the national New Approach PAC, which has been behind a number of successful state-level reform initiatives. A separate group of local activists, Oklahomans for Responsible Cannabis Action, also filed initiatives to legalize recreational marijuana and remodel the state’s medical cannabis program in October.

Oklahoma activists had previously attempted to qualify a legalization measure for the 2020 ballot. They filed a petition to legalize cannabis for adult use in December 2019, but signature gathering fell short due in part to procedural delays and the coronavirus pandemic.

Rhode Island

A deal on a marijuana legalization bill in Rhode Island appears imminent, with key lawmakers recently saying the legislation should be introduced in the coming days following months of negotiations between the House, Senate and governor’s office.

The Senate already approved legalization legislation last year.

Many issues have been resolved over the course of negotiations, but the question of who should be in charge of regulating the program—an existing agency or a newly created body—has been a sticking point.

“The House and Senate intend to soon have a draft of legislation ready, which will serve as a framework to begin a robust public hearing process,” House Speaker Joseph Sherkarchi (D) said. “We may not be the first state to legalize marijuana, but our goal is to do it in a way that is best for all of Rhode Islanders.”

South Carolina

South Carolina lawmakers are positioned to advance a medical marijuana legalization bill that’s being championed by Sen. Tom Davis (R).

The senator told WMBF News this month that he’s “optimistic about this bill being approved by both chambers of the legislature and sent to Governor McMaster before we adjourn in May.”

“I’ve done a pretty good canvassing of my colleagues in the state Senate,” he said. “I’m confident that I have a majority of senators in favor of this bill.”

Davis previously said that he’s received assurances from a top Senate leader that his measure will be taken up as the first order of business at the beginning of this year.

The senator said that he “had hoped it would be debated and voted on before we adjourned in May” after clearing the Senate Medical Affairs Committee in March. But that didn’t pan out after another lawmaker placed a hold on the legislation.

The senator’s legislation as filed last year would allow patients with qualifying conditions to possess and purchase up to two ounces of cannabis every two weeks.

South Dakota

In a setback for activists late last year, the South Dakota Supreme Court ruled that a voter-approved 2020 marijuana legalization initiative was invalid on procedural grounds. But advocates are now pursuing a two-track plan to enact the reform this year.

In the legislature, a cannabis reform bill has been formally recommended by a leadership panel for the upcoming session. Activists with South Dakotans for Better Marijuana Laws (SDBML) will also continue collecting signatures for a 2022 ballot initiative—though they hope to work with lawmakers to advance reform legislatively ahead of this year’s election.

A Marijuana Interim Study Committee made the formal recommendation for the legislature to take up legalization following a series of hearings. The recommendation was agreed to late last year by the legislature’s Executive Board, which is led by the House speaker and Senate president pro tempore.

Voters also approved a separate statutory medical cannabis ballot measure in 2020, and that wasn’t challenged in the courts and took effect in July.

Washington, D.C.

Lawmakers and advocates in Washington, D.C. are ready and eager to proceed with legalizing marijuana sales as soon as a congressional appropriations rider is lifted.

For years, the District has been prohibited from using its local tax dollars to enact the reform despite voters approving an initiative to legalize possession, personal cultivation and gifting in 2014. The U.S. House of Representatives approved a spending package that removes that rider, despite the Biden administration proposing to keep it in its own budget request, and now advocates are waiting to see whether the policy is ultimately stripped in the final bill for fiscal year 2022.

Local lawmakers held a joint hearing in November on a pair of bills to authorize the legal sale of recreational marijuana and significantly expand the existing medical cannabis program in the nation’s capital.

One bill sponsored by Chairman Phil Mendelson (D) would “require a regulatory scheme to license the cultivation, production, and retail sale of cannabis in the District.”

Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC), who represents the District in Congress, said in November that she is “closer than ever” to removing the blockade on cannabis commerce in her district.

Meanwhile, Mayor Muriel Bowser (D) said in April that local officials are prepared to move forward with implementing a legal system of recreational marijuana sales in the nation’s capital just as soon as they can get over the final “hurdle” of congressional interference.

Washington State

Activists are preparing to introduce a ballot initiative to broadly decriminalize drugs in 2022, similar to what neighboring Oregon voters passed in 2020.

Christina Blocker of Commit to Change WA told Marijuana Moment that the campaign is “energized by the support that we have received across the state of Washington,” adding that “2022 is the year where we will have the opportunity to end the War on Drugs and its impacts on our families, our neighbors, and our communities.”

The group was formerly known as Treatment First WA and, in 2020, attempted to qualify a decriminalization measure for that year’s state ballot. That initiative would have made unlawful possession of any drug a civil infraction, referred people found with drugs to a services assessment and funded a massive expansion of outreach and recovery programs.

When the pandemic interrupted the signature gathering effort for that measure, organizers shifted their focus to the legislature. After months of delay, a bill that was largely based on the earlier initiative was introduced but eventually died after clearing one House committee.

State lawmakers did reduce Washington’s criminal penalty for drug possession from a felony to a misdemeanor last year, but that was in response to the state Supreme Court invalidating the state’s decades-old felony law, which temporarily left no valid law on the books against simple possession.

While more progressive Democrats urged against reinstating criminal penalties of ay kind, the legislature ultimately adopted the misdemeanor charge along with plans to create a statewide suite of treatment and recovery services. The law, widely seen by advocates as a half-step toward meaningful reform, took effect in May with Gov. Jay Inslee’s (D) signature.

Separately, a pair of state lawmakers recently introduced legislation that would legalize what the bill calls “supported psilocybin experiences” by adults 21 and older.


Wyoming activists recently said that they’ve made solid progress in collecting signatures for a pair of ballot initiatives to decriminalize marijuana possession and legalize medical cannabis, but they didn’t get enough to make the 2022 ballot deadline and will be aiming for 2024 while simultaneously pushing the legislature to advance reform even sooner.

Weather conditions, the ongoing pandemic and late approval for their petitions by state officials made the prospect of putting legalization and decriminalization before voters this year especially challenging.

Now, in addition to continuing to collect signatures for a 2024 initiative, activists will be pushing lawmakers to file new bills that contain the language of the ballot measures.

A bill to legalize and regulate cannabis for adult use in Wyoming advanced out of a House committee in March, but it did not move further in the legislature by the end of the session.

Activists say the stage is set for an active year for drug policy reform.

While it’s unclear how many of these bills and ballot proposals will ultimately advance and become enacted, there’s a sense of optimism that the reform movement will expand rapidly in 2022. And advocates are pleased to see the range of policy reforms that are being pursued.

“As we look ahead to 2022, we have many opportunities to expand America’s access to medical cannabis and regulated cannabis markets,” Jax James, who was recently hired as NORML’s state policy director, told Marijuana Moment. “NORML is tracking hundreds of bills that have already been filed as well as ballot initiatives across the country. We look forward to another year of important reforms passing in many states.”

“No matter what state you reside in, registering to vote, engaging in the primary election, the political convention cycle and the general election are integral to further advancement,” she said.

Polls Funded By Marijuana Prohibitionist Group Show Big Support For Legalization Policies It Lobbies Against

Marijuana Moment is made possible with support from readers. If you rely on our cannabis advocacy journalism to stay informed, please consider a monthly Patreon pledge.


Missouri Patients Could Use Psychedelic Treatments Under New GOP ‘Right-To-Try’ Bill

A top federal drug official says the “train has left the station” on psychedelics.

National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) Director Nora Volkow said people are going to keep using substances such as psilocybin—especially as the reform movement expands and there’s increased attention being drawn to the potential therapeutic benefits—and so researchers and regulators will need to keep up.

The comments came at a psychedelics workshop Volkow’s agency cohosted with the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) last week.

The NIDA official said that, to an extent, it’s been overwhelming to address new drug trends in the psychedelics space. But at the same time, she sees “an incredible opportunity to also modify the way that we are doing things.”

“What is it that the [National Institutes of Health] can do to help accelerate research in this field so that we can truly understand what are the potentials, and ultimately the application, of interventions that are bought based on psychedelic drugs?” Volkow said.

The director separately told Marijuana Moment on Friday in an emailed statement that part of the challenge for the agency and researchers is the fact that psychedelics are strictly prohibited as Schedule I drugs under the federal Controlled Substances Act.

“Researchers must obtain a Schedule I registration which, unlike obtaining registrations for Schedule II substances (which include fentanyl, methamphetamine, and cocaine), is administratively challenging and time consuming,” she said. “This process may deter some scientists from conducting research on Schedule I drugs.”

“In response to concerns from researchers, NIDA is involved in interagency discussions to facilitate research on Schedule I substances,” Volkow said, adding that the agency is “pleased” the Drug Enforcement Administration recently announced plans to significantly increase the quota of certain psychedelic drugs to be produced for use in research.

“It will also be important to streamline the process of obtaining Schedule I registrations to further the science on these substances, including examining their therapeutic potential,” she said.

At Thursday’s event, the official talked about how recent, federally funded surveys showed that fewer college-aged adults are drinking alcohol and are instead opting for psychedelics and marijuana. She discussed the findings in an earlier interview with Marijuana Moment as well.

“Let’s learn from history,” she said. “Let’s see what we have learned from the marijuana experience.”

While studies have found that marijuana use among young people has generally remained stable or decreased amid the legalization movement, there has been an increase in cannabis consumption among adults, she said. And “this is likely to happen [with psychedelics] as more and more attention is placed on these psychedelic drugs.”

“I think, to a certain extent, with all the attention that the psychedelic drugs have attracted, the train has left the station and that people are going to start to use it,” Volkow said. “People are going to start to use it whether [the Food and Drug Administration] approves or not.

There are numerous states and localities where psychedelics reform is being explored and pursued both legislatively and through ballot initiative processes.

On Wednesday—during the first part of the two-day federal event that saw nearly 4,000 registrants across 21 time zones—NIMH Director Joshua Gordon stressed that his agency has “been supporting research on psychedelics for some time.”

“We can think of NIMH’s interests in studying psychedelics both in terms of proving that they work and also in terms of demonstrating the mechanism by which they work,” he said. “NIMH has a range of different funding opportunity announcements and other expressions that are priorities aimed at a mechanistic focus and mechanistic approach to drug development.”

Meanwhile, Volkow also made connections between psychedelics and the federal response to the coronavirus pandemic. She said, for example, that survey data showing increased use of psychedelics “may be a way that people are using to try to escape” the situation.

But she also drew a metaphor, saying that just as how the pandemic “forced” federal health officials to accelerate the development and approval of COVID-19 vaccines because of the “urgency of the situation,” one could argue that “actually there is an urgency to bring treatments [such as emerging psychedelic medicines] for people that are suffering from severe mental illness which can be devastating.”

But as Volkow has pointed out, the Schedule I classification of these substances under federal law inhibits such research and development.

The official has also repeatedly highlighted and criticized the racial disparities in drug criminalization enforcement overall.

Delaware Lawmakers File New Marijuana Legalization Bill With Key Equity Revisions

Marijuana Moment is made possible with support from readers. If you rely on our cannabis advocacy journalism to stay informed, please consider a monthly Patreon pledge.


Peter Thiel-Backed Psychedelics Company Gets FDA Approval To Study Ketamine Therapy

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has authorized German psychedelics startup Atai Life Sciences to conduct a clinical trial on a nonpsychedelic form of ketamine for treatment-resistant depression.

The company will study R-ketamine, an enantiomer of ketamine, the FDA-approved dissociative anesthetic that is used for general anesthesia and off-label as a popular treatment for depression.

R-ketamine’s promise is that it may not produce a psychedelic experience while still providing rapid antidepressant effects. If proven in clinical trials, R-ketamine could be a new medication for people with treatment-resistant depression and safe enough to use at home, not in a clinic under medical supervision like ketamine and Spravato, another form of the drug that has been approved by the FDA.

Atai’s majority-owned subsidiary Perception Neuroscience will launch the first in a series of clinical trials on R-ketamine early this year in the U.S. The first trial will be a drug interaction study.

Florian Brand, the CEO and cofounder of Atai, which is backed by billionaire Peter Thiel and is publicly traded on the Nasdaq, says that if the trials successfully show that R-ketamine is a fast-acting antidepressant safe enough for at-home use, it “would be a big game changer for patients.”

Perception Neuroscience has already launched two studies on R-ketamine abroad.

The phase 1 trial, which was conducted in New Zealand with 58 adults who received different doses of an intravenous infusion of R-ketamine in February, found that their compound, which they refer to as PCN-101, was “safe and well-tolerated” at all doses up to 150mg. Participants reported no serious adverse effects. The second stage of the study compared PCN-101 to S-ketamine, which is the ingredient in Spravato. The results showed that Perception’s compound required substantially higher doses to induce similar psychedelic experiences than S-ketamine.

In September, Perception was approved to launch a double-blind, placebo-controlled phase 2a trial in patients with treatment-resistant depression in Europe. The study plans to enroll 93 patients who will receive either a placebo, a 30mg dose or a 60mg dose of R-ketamine, which will be given intravenously. The trial will be studying if the drug is safe and effective in reducing depressive symptomology. Results should be ready by the end of 2022.

Terence Kelly, the CEO of Perception Neuroscience, which is based in New York, says that he is encouraged by how R-ketamine is progressing through the regulatory process. “We believe that PCN-101 has the potential to offer a differentiated therapeutic effect, in terms of both efficacy and ease of administration, for clinicians and patients,” Kelly said in a statement.

Srinivas Rao, Atai’s chief scientific officer, says that the psychedelic experience is important for many of the drugs the company is pursuing, but R-ketamine’s nonpsychedelic properties is what makes it a potential disruptive medication for treatment-resistant depression.

“At-home use—that’s the key,” says Rao. “Everything else that we’re looking at, like psilocybin, must be administered in the doctor’s office. This is obviously important for those compounds. But if we can get something that can be administered at home as a rapid-acting agent, that’s a potential much larger market and certainly broadens the appeal of the compound.”

Big Pharma has already taken interest in R-ketamine. In March 2021, Otsuka Pharmaceutical announced a $20 million licensing agreement to develop and commercialize Perception’s R-ketamine compound in Japan as a potential treatment for major depressive disorder and treatment-resistant depression. Otsuka will have exclusive rights to PCN-101 in Japan. If Otsuka successfully brings the drug to market, Perception will receive royalties on sales.

The opportunity for a new blockbuster medication to treat conditions like depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder is huge. Prescription sales for depression is estimated to be $50 billion a year globally, while the mental health market is worth about $100 billion in annual sales. While biotech analysts say that FDA-approved psychedelic-assisted therapy could seize $10 billion in annual sales by targeting the treatment-resistant depression subcategory, the real opportunity lies in replacing drugs like Prozac, Zoloft and other selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors.

An estimated 100 million people have treatment-resistant depression around the world, which is a sizable market for R-ketamine.

“What excites us, certainly, is what you call blockbuster potential,” says Brand. “We’re really interested in large unmet needs, large markets, large opportunities.”

Atai is also the largest investor in Compass Pathways, a U.K.-based clinical stage company that is developing a patented form of psilocybin to be used in conjunction with therapy for treatment-resistant depression. In November, Compass Pathways’ much-anticipated FDA-approved phase 2b clinical trial found that patients who took a single psychedelic dose of psilocybin, the main ingredient in “magic mushrooms,” in conjunction with therapy reported almost immediate and significant reduction in depressive symptoms that lasted weeks compared with patients who were given a 1mg dose, which is so low it’s essentially a placebo. 

Atai, through another majority-owned subsidiary, is building a suite of second-generation psychedelics that feature a shorter-lasting two-hour trip.

Brand says that when it comes to treatments that involve a psychedelic experience, the length of the psychedelic experience itself is an obstacle to mainstream adoption.

“We’re all about scale,” says Brand.

By modifying psychedelic molecules to shorten the trip, more patients might try it and insurance companies could be more willing to cover the treatment.

Brand and many others in psychedelic medicine believe that the no-trip treatment will have a prominent place in the future of the industry.

“We have a vision for precision psychiatry,” says Brand. “Ultimately, the goal is to identify which type of treatment is the right one for which patient. Not everyone will necessarily always want to do psychedelic agents like psilocybin. For some, it might be the appropriate treatment, but it’s not really feasible for everyone.”

Rao says the future is in choices. Finding a medication that helps patients with treatment-resistant depression is particularly difficult considering that these patients have tried many different drugs without success. About 30% of people with depression find no success with available treatments. Rao says if R-ketamine is approved it would become another tool doctors can use.

“It depends on where you are in your disease process—you may need esketamine, or you may need psilocybin or DMT, or something else to induce and then you could maintain with R-ketamine,” says Rao. “But we don’t yet know how things will shake out.”

Could a VR “trip” offer a sober shortcut to the healing potential of psychedelics?

Especially amid the existential dread of our current COVID hellscape, people have increasingly turned to psychedelics as portals to empathy and enlightenment. Tech bro hype aside, though, they’re not for everyone. Tripping isn’t recommended for those with severe heart disease or who show signs of schizophrenia and related disorders. Many others are simply unprepared for the intensity of a full-blown trip.

But what if you could unlock the same altered state of consciousness that psychedelics do — as well as their potential to treat PTSD, major depressive disorder, and other mental health conditions — whilst completely sober?

Some virtual reality experiences could offer just that. The extremely buzzy meditation app Tripp allows you to float through celestial bodies, fractals, and other awe-inspiring scenes. The University of Sussex’s Hallucination Machine mimics the swirling hallucinations triggered by classical psychedelics like psilocybin (the main compound in shrooms) and LSD. Meanwhile, Atlas V’s Ayahuasca, Kosmik Journey immerses users in pulsing, kaleidoscopic images, similar to those created by the hallucinogenic brew.

While tripping sans drugs is an intriguing possibility, I can’t help but be skeptical. Sure, VR can replicate the auditory and visual aspects of a trip. But what about its intensely spiritual, ineffable profundity, which also seems important for the psychological healing that psychedelics promise? I spoke with Matthew Johnson, a professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Johns Hopkins Medicine, about the extent to which VR apps can mimic psychedelics — and their therapeutic potential.

To definitively respond to this line of inquiry, “what you’d really need is the study comparing the two [psychedelics and VR] head to head,” says Johnson, who researches the effects of psychedelics. Even studies that look at them separately, but under similar conditions, would provide more clarity. Scientists still have yet to conduct them, though, Johnson tells Mic.

Dried psilocybin mushrooms on white surface on black background
Raphael Rangel / 500px/500Px Plus/Getty Images

But as it stands, “I highly doubt whether an app alone is going to approximate the magnitude of the efficacy of psychedelic therapy,” he says. That’s partly because VR can only directly manipulate the perceptual, but not the emotional, aspect of a trip.

It’s the emotional aspect — especially the mystical experience observed at higher doses, which can include revealed truth and ineffability, among other powerful qualities — that seems to underpin psychedelics’ therapeutic potential. Studies have correlated it with long-term positive outcomes for treatment-resistant depression, lowered depression and anxiety in cancer patients, and greater likelihood of quitting smoking, for example.

People have highly emotional experiences on 5-MeO-DMT (derived from the venom of the Bufo alvarius toad), even if it’s less visual than DMT (the main active ingredient in ayahuasca) — suggesting that “maybe you won’t get a meaningful effect from just the perceptual effects,” Johnson says. “But perhaps you do.” It’s also possible that the perceptual effect contributes to the emotional effect. At this point, we just don’t know.

That said, the therapeutic results have been so large in preliminary studies of psychedelics that “even if you had an effect that was a quarter of that size, that’s still important to pursue,” Johnson says. To his knowledge, no studies have investigated whether VR can offer the same mental health benefits psychedelics have shown.

For people advised to steer clear of psychedelics, VR may offer a safer alternative, unless it does end up closely mimicking a trip, in which case it, too, could spur a panic reaction. But that seems less likely, Johnson says — and you can always remove the headset if it all feels like too much. In contrast, you’re stuck tripping, no matter how badly you want to stop. VR would also allow you the flexibility to program your experience, maybe transition to a beautiful field of flowers to calm yourself down, or crank up the intensity if you’re ready. “You want to test these things, but it’s reasonable that it [VR] would be, relatively speaking, safer than psychedelics,” Johnson says.

Trippy VR experiences might seem like psychedelics lite.

While Johnson believes it’s worth testing VR experiences that seek to recreate a psychedelic trip on their own, he’s also exploring using them alongside psychedelic therapy. In a study slated to start in a month or two, he and his colleagues will compare participants’ self-reports about their creativity and engagement with their professional work during portions of psilocybin-assisted therapy sessions with and without VR.

Rather than an app designed to mimic a trip, Johnson and his team will experiment with various images to see how they influence participants’ psychedelic experiences. (Maybe, say, exploding fireworks won’t have an effect, but nature scenes will.) They hope to determine whether VR can enhance them — in other words, whether participants will find these experiences more meaningful with VR than with psilocybin alone.

In a similar vein, Tripp and PsyAssist — a company acquired by Tripp that creates digital psychedelic therapy tools — plan to release a product that would let providers and patients use VR, augmented reality, and mobile technology in ketamine-assisted therapy, Forbes reported in August.

While trippy VR experiences might seem like psychedelics lite, the bottom line is that they come with both promise and risk, just like the real thing, according to Johnson. To an optimization-obsessed generation constantly in search of “brain hacks,” a sober shortcut to the healing potential of psychedelics has massive appeal. But “we need to follow the data,” Johnson says, “rather than what we hope is going to work.”

Cannabis And Psychedelics Experts Reflect On Cali Sober For Dry January


Welcome to Dry January, the month many stop drinking alcohol to give their bodies a rest from toxic compounds consumed en masse over the holidays. If you’re in recovery or, like me, practicing a lifestyle that favors cannabis and psychedelics over alcohol and harder substances, also known as “Cali sober,” every month may be dry for you. For those new to this term, drug and culture journalist Mary Carreon sums up the Cali sober concept eloquently. 

Mary says it’s easy to get caught up in the trendiness of Cali sober, noting the phrase sounds like “designer sorbet rich people buy at Erewhon.” She recognizes that celebrities talk about it, radio stations “like KIIS FM” air songs about it, and we’ve seen the concept swirling around the media landscape a few times. But, she believes the root of why people are fascinated by the Cali sober lifestyle is because “it honors nuance and flexibility, and flips the concept of abstinence on its head, reducing the idea of abstinence to nothing more than a theory.” She shares that the perspective shift alone “can help people reclaim their autonomy and independence, two things that are often stripped from people who go through recovery.”

Mary finds that Cali sober as a trend is annoying, “but making it a practice — like meditation or mindfulness or exercising — can help people repossess their power, which is critical when making lifestyle shifts away from substances or habits or friends (or all of the above) that don’t contribute to making you the best version of yourself.” And, she acknowledges that being Cali sober isn’t for everyone (see Demi Lovato’s recent change of heart), noting that “sometimes abstinence is the most empowering path to becoming your optimal self… it doesn’t matter what road you take because the end goal is doing whatever is ideal for your longevity, and that should be the number one priority.” Agreed. In the end, it’s about saving lives. 

Cali sober is trending in pop culture alongside Dry January, so today I’m providing a platform for six accomplished thought leaders in cannabis and psychedelics to share insights and strategies on Cali sober for inspiration on staying balanced year round — Christina DiPaci is the CEO of one of the largest independent craft cannabis farms in California; Zeus Tipado is not only a neuroscientist but also the creator of Stonedgamer and MiddleEasy; David Bienenstock is a popular podcaster and author of How to Smoke Pot (Properly): A Highbrow Guide to Getting High; Shelby Hartman has created a media company and education platform at the forefront of the rapidly growing psychedelic movement; Payton Nyquest’s company combines the latest advances in psychedelic medicine with evidence-based care and a holistic, integrated approach; and Mary Carreon is an award-winning journalist, editor, podcaster, and copywriter who’s written for Snoop Dogg’s Merry Jane, Billboard, DoubleBlind, the LAnd, and more.

Let’s keep the conversation going with an open mind. Let’s explore and normalize innovative ways to thrive. 

Paradiso Gardens Founder & CEO Christina DiPaci

“I am in full support of conscious, intentional drug consumption. Cannabis can be a wonderful alternative to alcohol, (did I mention without the hangover?!), but we have to be careful not to have elitism in our preferred drug use. Do what works for you and don’t judge other people’s drug use! Check out Dr. Carl Hart’s Drug Use for Grown-Ups: Chasing Liberty in the Land of Fear. A scientist and a professor of psychology specializing in neuroscience at Columbia University who’s known for his work on drug abuse and addiction, Dr. Carl Hart presents a powerful argument for how adults can use substances and live a happy and meaningful life.”

Neuroscientist Zeus Tipado

“I’ve seen all the altered states that alcohol has in store for me, and it doesn’t appeal to me anymore. With cannabis and psychedelics, I can have my entire perception and its fundamental constructs completely altered, and the next day I’m perfectly fine with no hangover. That’s appealing to me — I can’t throttle my subjective experience in that way with alcohol. As far as the physiological effects of alcohol — I don’t really vibe with it. At the beginning of the pandemic, my best friend died of alcohol poisoning. He was the closest person on this planet that I would have called a brother. Dead, from a drink you can buy at a grocery store. A product advertised across the world in Superbowl commercials. His struggle with alcohol (and the constant struggle of other friends) is one of the reasons I also remain Cali sober. It’s not my place to dictate which lifestyles people should adopt. The Cali sober lifestyle works for me because alcohol no longer holds priority in my entertainment and leisure. Fortunately in California, the environment is slowly adapting to the Cali Sober lifestyle. Alcohol-free, cannabis-infused beers are popping up. Cannabis smoke lounges are also appearing, unfortunately at a staggeringly slow rate due to city burearcy — which brings up my next point. The only force preventing the full adoption of the Cali sober lifestyle is the government of California itself. Perhaps the state of California is against the Cali sober lifestyle.”

Great Moments in Weed History Co-Host & Co-Creator David Bienenstock

“When Abdullah Saeed and I had David Crosby as a guest on our podcast, we realized that he’s been ‘California sober’ for many years without ever being aware of the term. And while he personally finds the word sober a bit misleading in this context, he also confirmed that going California sober has worked for him. After famously struggling with drugs like cocaine and heroin, Crosby was first completely abstinent from all intoxicants including cannabis for more than a decade before successfully reintegrating cannabis back into his life. This is a complex issue, and it’s important to keep a focus on individualist care and not one-size-fits-all solutions, but David Crosby is just one example of many people I’ve encountered through my reporting and advocacy work who are pursuing this path with success.” 

DoubleBlind Co-Founder & CEO Shelby Hartman

“There is hardly any rigorous research looking at microdosing psychedelics, or taking small amounts of psychedelics. But, much like we had in cannabis before recreational legalization, we do have thousands and thousands of people saying it has changed their lives. One of the reasons is that when people microdose LSD and psilocybin they often report that they just want to make the healthier decision, the decision that is more aligned with their body’s needs. Dr. James Fadiman, microdosing pioneer, often says that when people microdose they just “want the salad.” I’ve experienced this myself. It’s hard to explain, but on days when I microdose psilocybin, I often find myself habitually reaching for the unhealthy snack or glass of wine and then finding that I genuinely don’t want it. That’s the magic of Cali sober, I think. Not that it’s a cop out for people who can’t actually be sober, but that cannabis and psychedelics, in this context, are seen as supportive medicines that help people make the right choices for themselves.” 

Numinus CEO Payton Nyquest

“For personal health reasons, I’ve never been a heavy drinker to start with, and I’ve reduced my consumption over the years as I tried various therapies and wellness practices. I’ve consistently found that abstinence helps me maintain clarity of mind and keeps me grounded emotionally and spiritually. Today, I’m very happy with a lifestyle that lets me be present as a father, husband and business leader, and to make conscious choices. Integrating regular therapy, including the responsible use of psychedelics, has been a key component in my health journey. I see a similar societal shift happening – I’m not surprised by the move away from alcohol consumption. At Numinus, we believe that psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy (PAP) is transformative and a core part of this shift. We know current healthcare isn’t equipped to handle climbing global rates of mental illness, addiction, and trauma. Ongoing studies show the benefit of PAP in treating many conditions, including substance use disorder, which could include alcohol abuse. In PAP, trained psychedelic therapists help patients by combining traditional psychotherapy with psychedelic medicine, making both components equally critical. It is a trauma-informed practice, meaning patients work through past experiences or traumas in a safe therapeutic container and integrate that learning into everyday life. Through this treatment, we aim to help our patients make more informed choices and build sustainable lifestyle habits.”

Drug & Culture Journalist Mary Carreon

“Abstinence doesn’t work for me. Rigid frameworks have never worked for me. My personality is too indulgent and I love party environments. I’m not exaggerating when I say I live for wild, adventurous times with my crew of close friends. I’ve always been this way! But my life moves too fast and too much is on the line now to be hungover (from anything), which is why I regularly replace alcohol with mini-doses of mushrooms when I go out. They never make me feel hungover, and they give me a way to let loose and still have a good time without getting drunk. I’m a better human on mushrooms (and cannabis or other psychedelics) than alcohol, even though I think most people would classify me as a “happy drunk.” I’m just more conscious and available, I don’t forget what I’m saying half way through a sentence, and I’m more willing to connect with others and maintain all boundaries. To be clear, I’m not Cali sober right now. I went wine tasting last week and drank a hard kombucha last night. I also foresee more wine nights during holidays. Cali sober is something I oscillate to and from for periods of time for my mental, emotional, and spiritual health. And even during the phases when I’m not Cali sober, it still provides a framework for responsible partying, which has been my undying ethos for over a decade. Drugs don’t have to consume you. They don’t make you a bad person, nor do they make you incapable of achieving the highest success. As Dr. Carl Hart says, “using drugs can help us in our pursuit of happiness.” When done responsibly, drugs can actually help us be the best versions of ourselves.”

California Senator Says Bill To Legalize Psychedelics Possession Has ’50/50′ Chance To Pass This Year

A top federal drug official says the “train has left the station” on psychedelics.

National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) Director Nora Volkow said people are going to keep using substances such as psilocybin—especially as the reform movement expands and there’s increased attention being drawn to the potential therapeutic benefits—and so researchers and regulators will need to keep up.

The comments came at a psychedelics workshop Volkow’s agency cohosted with the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) last week.

The NIDA official said that, to an extent, it’s been overwhelming to address new drug trends in the psychedelics space. But at the same time, she sees “an incredible opportunity to also modify the way that we are doing things.”

“What is it that the [National Institutes of Health] can do to help accelerate research in this field so that we can truly understand what are the potentials, and ultimately the application, of interventions that are bought based on psychedelic drugs?” Volkow said.

The director separately told Marijuana Moment on Friday in an emailed statement that part of the challenge for the agency and researchers is the fact that psychedelics are strictly prohibited as Schedule I drugs under the federal Controlled Substances Act.

“Researchers must obtain a Schedule I registration which, unlike obtaining registrations for Schedule II substances (which include fentanyl, methamphetamine, and cocaine), is administratively challenging and time consuming,” she said. “This process may deter some scientists from conducting research on Schedule I drugs.”

“In response to concerns from researchers, NIDA is involved in interagency discussions to facilitate research on Schedule I substances,” Volkow said, adding that the agency is “pleased” the Drug Enforcement Administration recently announced plans to significantly increase the quota of certain psychedelic drugs to be produced for use in research.

“It will also be important to streamline the process of obtaining Schedule I registrations to further the science on these substances, including examining their therapeutic potential,” she said.

At Thursday’s event, the official talked about how recent, federally funded surveys showed that fewer college-aged adults are drinking alcohol and are instead opting for psychedelics and marijuana. She discussed the findings in an earlier interview with Marijuana Moment as well.

“Let’s learn from history,” she said. “Let’s see what we have learned from the marijuana experience.”

While studies have found that marijuana use among young people has generally remained stable or decreased amid the legalization movement, there has been an increase in cannabis consumption among adults, she said. And “this is likely to happen [with psychedelics] as more and more attention is placed on these psychedelic drugs.”

“I think, to a certain extent, with all the attention that the psychedelic drugs have attracted, the train has left the station and that people are going to start to use it,” Volkow said. “People are going to start to use it whether [the Food and Drug Administration] approves or not.

There are numerous states and localities where psychedelics reform is being explored and pursued both legislatively and through ballot initiative processes.

On Wednesday—during the first part of the two-day federal event that saw nearly 4,000 registrants across 21 time zones—NIMH Director Joshua Gordon stressed that his agency has “been supporting research on psychedelics for some time.”

“We can think of NIMH’s interests in studying psychedelics both in terms of proving that they work and also in terms of demonstrating the mechanism by which they work,” he said. “NIMH has a range of different funding opportunity announcements and other expressions that are priorities aimed at a mechanistic focus and mechanistic approach to drug development.”

Meanwhile, Volkow also made connections between psychedelics and the federal response to the coronavirus pandemic. She said, for example, that survey data showing increased use of psychedelics “may be a way that people are using to try to escape” the situation.

But she also drew a metaphor, saying that just as how the pandemic “forced” federal health officials to accelerate the development and approval of COVID-19 vaccines because of the “urgency of the situation,” one could argue that “actually there is an urgency to bring treatments [such as emerging psychedelic medicines] for people that are suffering from severe mental illness which can be devastating.”

But as Volkow has pointed out, the Schedule I classification of these substances under federal law inhibits such research and development.

The official has also repeatedly highlighted and criticized the racial disparities in drug criminalization enforcement overall.

Delaware Lawmakers File New Marijuana Legalization Bill With Key Equity Revisions

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Inside PsyMed Ventures’ New $25M Fund For Psychedelics And Mental Health Startups

It started as a shared interest in the science around mental health, psychedelics and a podcast featuring like-minded people, and culminated into a venture firm focused on advancing new approaches to mental health treatments. 

San Francisco-based PsyMed Ventures, founded by Dina Burkitbayeva, Greg Kubin and Matias Serebrinsky in 2020, on Friday announced its new $25 million investment fund. The money will go to early-stage startups, primarily those working on psychedelics, to help treat mental ailments. The fund will also invest in startups working on neurotechnology, digital health and precision psychology, all early, but fast-growing fields of technology in mental health. 

PsyMed has already started making investments to startups, though the founders acknowledge that only about one-third of the $25 million has been officially secured. The trio expects that by the end of March, they’ll have met their fundraising goal and will ultimately help fund between 20 and 25 startups. 

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Among PsyMed’s early investments are biotech companies Freedom Biosciences and Delix Therapeutics, both working on using psychedelics to make new medications. 

Freedom Biosciences was co-founded by Burkitbayeva and John Krystal, chair of psychiatry at Yale University. The biotech company is working on clinical-stage development of ketamine- and psychedelic-focused therapeutics. 

Delix Therapeutics is developing therapeutics with non-hallucinogenic drugs known as psychoplastogens. In layman’s terms, psychoplastogens are meant to help our brains compensate for injuries and diseases, and make new links between the neurons firing signals back and forth. 

The three PsyMed founders spoke to Crunchbase News this week about the fund’s inception, investment strategy and goals for the future of mental health treatments. 

This interview has been lightly edited for length and clarity.

Tell me about how you came together to work on this fund. 

Kubin: We decided to create a syndicate together on AngelList, which has been a really good platform for us because it has given us exposure to two different communities. One is a community of people who are therapists, medicine people, psychiatrists coming from life sciences. But then also we’ve connected with people who are more just interested in technology and startups that see the value of psychedelic medicine. We have invested in 14 companies through our syndicate with over $15.6 million. From that, I believe we have over 300 LPs that have invested with us. We really feel the syndicate has enabled us to create a community of LPs—not just capital, but people, individuals who can support the companies that we’ve been investing in.

How has fundraising gone? 

Kubin: One thing that’s been really neat is some of the people who are investing in our fund have already invested in us through our syndicate. It’s people we’ve been able to build trust and rapport and connection with, and that was a nice validation. … What’s interesting is we’re finding interest from a wide array of investors. Some of these people have benefited from psychedelic medicines themselves. Others see the promise of it, or are following the space and the research. For us, it’s really important to have values-aligned investors who are investing with us because … integrity is super important to us. We recognize this is a very early industry and it’s going to take long-term, committed partners in terms of the founders we back, as well as the people who are supporting us. 

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Psychedelics are still federally illegal, though some states are loosening their laws on their use and the FDA can approve certain applications for them. How does that affect the industry and its investment opportunities?

Burkitbayeva: We’re very aware of the limitations that a scheduled drug such as psilocybin, or MDMA, or ketamine pose in terms of investment and coming to market. With that in mind, … we look at the medical model, not the recreational model. … We invest in companies that would be developing a drug that would go through the FDA approval process, and that’s similar to any other biotech company that’s developing a molecule in oncology or cardiology. If that process is successful, and it’s FDA approved, then that trumps any kind of DEA scheduling. … Otherwise, we believe there’s a possibility that it goes through the FDA process and there could be some descheduling. That would not affect the investment, really. 

What can you tell me about your investment strategy? Why are you focusing specifically on early-stage startups? 

Serebrinsky: That is where we can actually make a difference. That’s where we can help and support entrepreneurs based on our own experience building companies in the past, so that’s number one. Number two is that this is still a very nascent industry. Mental health therapies have been completely underfunded until now, so the companies are just starting as well. … We started with psychedelic medicine and we’ve developed a playbook about how to get involved in this phase, how to invest, how to think through those opportunities. We’re expanding that same playbook to other verticals as well, but based on how established we are in psychedelic medicine, more than 50 percent to 60 percent of our investments in the space will be in psychedelic medicine for the first fund we’re raising. 

What emerging technologies or research in this space do you have your eye on that might be surprising to some people? 

Serebrinsky: Some of the (psychedelic) therapies we are looking at start with depression and anxiety as the biggest markets, but as these medicines are researched more, they’re finding potentially interesting opportunities. Nothing is certain, but they’re looking at potential uses for substance use disorder and things more out there, like Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s. There are companies working on these therapies for things like stroke and organ transplant failure … and eating disorders as well.

Burkitbayeva: I think the mental health treatments space … is going to grow, not just because COVID has had such a hard hit on mental health, … but I think because there was not enough attention, research and investment going into mental health, so we haven’t really diagnosed most of the indications (of mental illness) that are actually out there. We have depression, anxiety, PTSD, OCD, bipolar, but what we’re seeing over and over again in the most cutting-edge research is that there’s so much more granularity to each one of these. 

In the future, when someone goes to a psychiatrist, there will be so many more tools, like neuroimaging tools and other types of biomarkers that we can use to diagnose, but we will also have just a larger number of indications that we’re aware of. So the size of the market is not just going to grow by the number of patients that need help, … but also by how sophisticated the diagnostics space is going to become. … I think psychedelics are probably going to be one of the major treatments, alongside neuro and digital therapeutics. 

Illustration: Dom Guzman


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Startup To Host Psychedelic Trips In The Metaverse

Miami-based psychedelics startup Ei.Ventures announced this week that it has purchased a virtual land estate in The Sandbox, where clinicians will be able to host psychedelic therapy sessions in the metaverse.

The Sandbox, a subsidiary of Hong Kong-based blockchain gaming venture Animoca Brands, is a virtual world where players can create, own and monetize virtual items and experiences as nonfungible tokens (NFTs) on the Ethereum blockchain via the Sandbox marketplace.

The purchase of the 12-by-12 estate in the Sandbox by Ei.Ventures in conjunction with parent company Orthogonal Thinker represents the third-largest land sale in the network of 3D lands known as the metaverse and is valued at $2.22 million. The parcel, covering 144 pieces of virtual land in the 12-by-12 space, will be called PSLY.COM, the name of the soon to be merged company of Ei.Ventures with Mycotopia Therapies.

“PSLY.COM going to be a utopian space in the metaverse, it will be empowering to people in the most-high regard way,” David Nikzad, CEO of Ei.Ventures, writes in an email. “This will be a new way to interact with your friends in general, and provide psychedelic therapy in particular.”

Land Deals In The Sandbox Make Headlines

Land purchases on the Sandbox have made recent headlines, including a November purchase of land on the Sandbox metaverse from Atari for a record $4.3 million, according to a report in the Wall Street Journal. In September, rapper Snoop Dogg announced that he would create his own virtual world, the Snoopverse, within the Sandbox platform. And in December, Forbes reported that Hong Kong property tycoon Adrian Cheng announced that he planned to invest in the Sandbox and acquire one of its largest plots of virtual land.

Nikzad said that after only a week on the Sandbox, he had decided to invest in the platform to advance Ei.Ventures and Orthogonal Thinker’s combined vision of psychedelic therapy, with plans to move into the metaverse over the next 36 months. Ei.Ventures is also developing a psilocybin transdermal patch for use in clinical therapeutic applications.

“The combination of our tech, cannabis, psychedelics, outer space, and crypto-related holdings will all be utilizing this exciting space,” Nikzad said in a January 4 press release. “We are very excited to invite all of our portfolio companies and investors to be part of something extraordinary.”

Virtual Psychedelic Therapy Sessions Planned

While plans for the land on the Sandbox are still in the early stages of development, the company expects to create “wondrous VR experiences of Hawaii, positive psychedelic trips, healing modalities, and much more.” As for applications in psychedelic medicine, the company foresees utilizing the virtual reality nature of the metaverse to facilitate guided or minded therapeutic trips with a therapist in the virtual world. The company plans to offer the services in jurisdictions with legal psychedelic drugs, starting with patients in Jamaica and Oregon.

Nikzad notes that the land deal will eventually give billions of people virtual access to psychedelic therapy, saying “It’s the only way to scale.”

“Health and Wellness is a trillion-dollar market,” Nikzad said. “As we’ve now gone through COVID and are still in the craziness of it, these technologies will become much more important as communications and how financial transactions are handled is changing.”

PSLY.COM will also be the name of company that will be created with the merger of Ei.Ventures and Mycotopia, a company focused on the research, development and commercialization of novel therapeutics based on naturally-derived psilocybin, in a deal that is expected to close by March. Mycotopia CEO Benjamin Kaplan said that as the companies work to close the merger, “we are so heartened by the forward-thinking moves Ei is making to set up PSLY.COM for success in the metaverse and beyond.”